Creating a financial and insurance roadmap is a two-way street, which means that the key to getting maximum value from our relationship is communication and candor.
It’s important to:
Get acquainted. Please contact us to arrange a meeting to review your situation and see why so many people have chosen Belcher & Company as their retirement and investment professional. (Securities offered through NYLIFE Securities, LLC)
Educate your financial adviser*. Don't expect Steve to be a mind reader. He may anticipate many of your needs, but will not assume anything. That's why it's so important that you be candid in providing information.
Educate yourself. At the same time, you too should ask a lot of questions. Be inquisitive. Ask Steve for details and explanations about recommendations and how certain plans may work. Remember, the only "dumb question" is the one that isn't asked.
Make it a team effort. Let’s work together. Listen carefully to the recommendations, but remember — all decisions are yours. Make sure you're comfortable with the outcome.
*Steven Belcher is a Financial Adviser for Eagle Strategies LLC, A Registered Investment Adviser.